麥當勞更名為“金拱門” 網友齊吐槽(雙語)

McDonald’s China changed its business name, and consumers aren’t lovin’



Chinese media reported on Wednesday evening that McDonald’s Chinese

business changed its company’s name from Maidanglao, a loose transliteration of

the English name, to Jingongm雞精禮盒en, or Golden Arches, on Oct. 12.

上周三晚,有媒體報道稱,10月12日麥當勞(中國)公司將其名稱從英語音譯 麥當勞 改為 金拱門 。

Although the fast food chain reassured its fans on its Weibo microblog that

stores in China will still bear the old name, the new moniker was immediately

ridiculed by net users for sounding unsophisticated.


Jingongmen sounds like a name for a Peking duck restaurant or a

traditional Chinese medicine store, one Weibo user wrote, suggesting the

company add time-honored brand to double down on the new name’s old-fashioned


一位微博用戶寫道: 金拱門聽起來像是北京烤鴨店或傳統中藥店的名字。 他建議公司再加上 老字號 字樣,雙倍增加新名字的傳統內涵。

Picking a Chinese name can be tricky for foreign brands. U.S. home-sharing

company Air兒童雞精推薦bnb earlier this year chose Aibiying, or welcome each other with

love, for its Chinese operations, but the name was badly received for being

difficult to pronounce. Last month, NBA team Dallas Mavericks asked its fans to

come up with a new Chinese name because the current xiaoniu is a mistr滴雞精比較anslation,

meaning little cows.

對於外國品牌而言,選擇中文名字可能有點棘手。今年早些時候,美國房屋共享公司Airbnb為開拓中國業務,選擇 愛彼迎 或 傢在四方 作為其中文名,但是由於發音困難而不受歡迎。上個月,NBA球隊達拉斯小牛隊讓球迷們想一個全新的中文名字,因為現在的 小牛 是一個誤譯。

McDonald’s low-key name change came after the fast food chain sold the bulk

of its mainland China and Hong Kong business to financial conglomerate CITIC

Group and American investment company Carlyle Capital in January.


McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in China in 1990, and the滴雞精門市 brand,

closely associated with a Western lifestyle, took off. Long lines formed

whenever a new location opened. However, in recent years the fast food chain has

struggled to maintain 滴雞精哪家好its growth momentum in China as more prosperous,

health-conscious consumers seek alternative dining options.





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